
Importance of Science Highlighted by California State Support of the San Diego Supercomputer Center

Published October 12, 1995

The importance of science and supporting the nation's research community was highlighted yesterday when Governor Pete Wilson signed two State legislative bills to significantly enhance the high performance computing capabilities of the San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC). These bills will support a significant number of researchers in California who are part of SDSC's larger community of 5,100 researchers representing 240 universities, research foundations, government agencies, and commercial companies around the nation.

"Governor Wilson clearly recognizes the importance of a national supercomputer center to California and the importance of State support to SDSC's bid for renewal next year," says SDSC director Sid Karin. "This is a great first step in support of the proposal we will submit. We will continue working with State agencies and industry to realize the benefits of these resources that are so critical to the advance of science and economic progress."

"This legislation will help California industry maintain its lead in the information revolution," Govenor Wilson said. "This financial support demonstrates the State's commitment to high performance research and technological advancement."

Senate Bill AB290, sponsored by State Senator Lucy Killea (I-San Diego), will provide $2 million for memory and capacity equipment. This bill will support SDSC's continued evolution to scalable parallel computing technology and enhance the integration of high performance computers, archival storage, database technology, and high-speed networking.

Assembly Bill AB203, sponsored by Assemblywoman Dede Alpert (D-Coronado), will provide $250,000 to begin creating an Advanced Information Technologies Laboratory. This laboratory will build on the infrastructure in place in SDSC's visualization laboratory, funded previously by the State, to incorporate the latest in information technologies to support researchers' needs to visualize, understand, and cross-correlate ever more complex data.

The San Diego Supercomputer Center, a national laboratory for computational science and engineering, is sponsored by the National Science Foundation, administered by General Atomics, and affiliated with the University of California at San Diego. For additional information, see or contact Ann Redelfs, SDSC,, 619-534-5032.

For more information, contact:
Ann Redelfs
619-534-5113 (FAX)


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