
SC2003 Deadline for Submitting Posters Is Thursday, July 31

Published July 10, 2003

The SC2003 conference on high-performance networking and computing is seeking poster presentations reporting late-breaking experimental or theoretical results, innovative designs, and case studies related to high-performance networking and computing. Posters provide an excellent opportunity for short presentations and informal discussions with conference attendees. The posters are prominently displayed throughout the conference, giving presenters a chance to showcase their latest results and innovations. One poster will be honored with a Best Poster Award.

Please note that the NPACI Research Exhibit may not include facilities for displaying project-related posters this year. We strongly encourage NPACI and SDSC reseachers who want to display posters to take advantage of this opportunity. The deadline to submit poster reservations to the SC2003 planning committee is Thursday, July 31.

To learn more about poster submissions, see or write to <>. To submit a poster reservation, go to the SC2003 Conference Submissions Page at


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