
SDSC and NCSA directors team up to inaugurate Cyberinfrastructure Partnership Seminar Series

Published April 10, 2005

The directors of the San Diego Supercomputer Center and the National Center for Supercomputing Applications will appear together Friday, April 15 in the first of a monthly series of seminars on cyberinfrastructure topics as part of the NSF-sponsored Cyberinfrastructure Partnership (CIP).

SDSC's Fran Berman and NCSA's Thom Dunning will team up in this inaugural seminar to provide an overview of Cyberinfrastructure, its current status, and plans for the future. The role of the CIP in the National Science Foundation's CI plans will be described. This seminar will be presented live from both NCSA and SDSC as well as remotely over the Access Grid and via Web cast.

Future seminars in the series are usually to be scheduled on the first Tuesday of each month at 1 PM (Central Time) and are available onsite at the presenting institution(s), remotely via the Access Grid, and via Web cast.

Future seminar topics include:

  • HDF/SRB Interface
  • Introduction to National Laboratory for Advanced Data Research (NLADR)
  • Building Data Collections with Storage Resource Broker (SRB)
  • Cyberinfrastructure Case Studies
  • Lessons in Building CI
  • National Virtual Observatory (NVO)
  • The Cyberinfrastructure for Phylogenetic Research (CIPRes)
  • Alliance for Cell Signaling (AfCS) Data Management, Curation, and Display System

Please see the CI Channel website for the updated list of scheduled presentations:


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