
San Diego Supercomputer Center's NEESit Introduces NEEScentral 1.0

Published April 10, 2005

NEESit recently introduced its newly created central portal for NEES-wide services - NEEScentral 1.0. The new program allows NEESit earthquake researchers online access to the San Diego Supercomputer Center's powerful cyberinfrastructure tools.

Following the "no lost data" mantra of the NEESit data sharing and archiving policy, the new NEEScentral 1.0 program contains secure methods for users sharing data and provides advanced authentification services to manage NEES user accounts. Another integral part of the portal is the central data repository that utilizes SDSC's powerful data and storage resources to provide users with tools for storing, browsing and retrieving data via the Web. This ensures continuous access to the repository, while several back-up strategies ensure no data is lost.

In addition, the NEESit team recently released NEESgrid 3.3, which offers major functionality enhancements such as a real-time data viewer and the new telepresence system - flexTPS. This software program enables the remote viewing and robotic control of live video over the Internet. Users can also view multiple video streams, allowing video from multiple flexTPS sites to be viewed at the same time.

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