
New CTWatch Quarterly Explores Trends and Tools in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology

Published September 14, 2006

The August 2006 issue of CTWatch Quarterly is now available. In this issue, entitled "Trends and Tools in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology," guest editor Rick Stevens, Associate Laboratory Director, Computing and Life Sciences at Argonne National Laboratory and Professor, Computer Science Department, the University of Chicago, has assembled a collection of articles that will give readers an outline of the current broad trends and corresponding tool development strategies in the bioinformatics and computational biology community.

Cyberinfrastructure Technology Watch (CTWatch) is an online venue designed to engage the science and engineering research community in the news, ideas, and information surrounding the emergence of cyberinfrastructure as the essential foundation for advanced scientific inquiry.

Feature articles in this issue include:

  • National Biomedical Computation Resource (NBCR): Developing End-to-End Cyberinfrastructure for Multiscale Modeling in Biomedical Research
  • Specifications for the Next-Generation Computational Biology Infrastructure
  • Genome Sequencing vs. Moore's Law: Cyber Challenges for the Next Decade
  • Computing and the "Age of Biology"

The new issue can be found in PDF format at the CTWatch Quarterly website.

CTWatch is a joint effort of the NSF funded Cyberinfrastructure Partnership (CIP) between the San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC) and the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA), and it is being carried out in collaboration with the Innovative Computing Laboratory (ICL) at the University of Tennessee. It serves as both a forum for opinion and analysis on issues related to cyberinfrastructure generally, and as an ongoing news and information source concerning the latest innovations in cyberinfrastructure technology.


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