News: 1999 Archive

Community of Science Announces Partnership with San Diego Supercomputer Center

NPACI'S IBM SP Configuration Ranks Among the World's Top Ten Fastest Supercomputers

Trace Center Demonstrates Live Captioning for the Deaf at SC99

NPACI to Feature Alphas, Teras, and Teraflops at SC99

EOT-PACI Receives $1 Million for Advanced Networking Project with Minority-Serving Institutions

SDSC Acquires 64-Processor Sun HPC 10000 Supercomputing Platform for NPACI Allocations and Strategic Collaborations

SDSC'S NBCR Project Hosts BioSync Web Site To Provide Information and Scheduling For Synchroton Resources World Wide

UCSB Digital Library Project Receives $5.4 Million To Develop Tools For Users To Create Own Virtual Libraries

Keck Foundation Awards UCSD $1 Million Grant to Establish Two SDSC Satellite Sites

SDSC'S Eight-Processor Tera MTA Supercomputer Passes Acceptance Tests, Demonstrates Scalability of Applications

RCSB Assumes Full Responsibility for Protein Data Bank July 1 After Successful Nine-Month Transition

World Wide Wireless Web Corp. Joins San Diego Supercomputer Center In Experiment To Enhance High School Curriculum

Major Net Cache Vendors Compete Head-to-Head in Performance Test

RCSB To Assume Responsibility for the Protein Data Bank Ahead of Schedule

IEEE/NASA Symposium on Mass Storage March 15-18 to Present Research and Practice in Information-Based Access to Storage


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